How much do you know about the latest technical terminology in automotive security and telematics industry
Author:Allan Shi Date:2019/4/22 9:38:38
Active Safety Demand Analysis:
Human error contributes to 93% of all collision.
According to Georgia Tech 80% of all accidents are caused by driver distraction occurred 3 seconds prior to an accident.
French insurance company
AXA’s research suggests
1.5 seconds advance warning can prevent 90% of rear end accidents
2 seconds advance warning can prevent most accidents from happening.
What is ADAS?
ADAS is the abbreviation for '
Advanced Driver Assistant System'.
At present, it includes following integrated technologies and services
and related latest products can be found:
(1) What is FCWS?
-Front Collision Warning Service
(2) What is LDWS?
-Lane Departure Warning Service
(3) What is HMWS?
-Headway Monitoring and Warning Service

What is DSM?
DSM is the abbreviation for '
Driver Status Monitoring'.
At present, it includes following integrated technologies and services
and related latest products can be found:
(1) What is FDWS?
-Fatigue Driving Warning Service
(2) What is HPWS?
-Hand Phone Warning Service
(3) What is DSWS?
-Driver Smoking Warning Service
(4) What is DDWS?
-Driver Distraction Warning Service
(5) What is NDWS?
-No Driver Warning Service
What is ADS?